So tell me: assertive hiring is the dream of everyone involved in the recruiting and selection world, isn't it? But it can be challenging if you don't use the right strategies.
According to an Arizent survey, 7 out of 10 companies confessed that attracting, retaining, and keeping their talents has been a challenging task, but let's agree that hiring "compulsively" and without a previous analysis of people's qualifications is a recipe doomed to failure and rework, after all, these vacancies will be reopened and will take up the time of the people on your team in a short period of time.
Therefore, it is important that in addition to tests of logical reasoning, mathematics, languages and others, you also make use of the cultural fit in the selection process tracks!
Cultural Fit
The cultural fit is an alignment that identifies the match of the candidate with the company, so it serves to make a comparison between personality traits, performance and competencies of the talent and discover how aligned they are to the climate and organizational culture of your company.
Through it, it is possible to discover the capacity to adapt to the values and purposes, but it also serves to level the expectations of both parties when filling a position.
In recent years, cultural fit has proven essential in the world of recruitment and selection not only for companies, but also for candidates who want to feel good in the work environment.
How does cultural fit help me to find the right candidate?
Usually cultural fit is applied right at the beginning of the assessments. It comes after the confirmation of the mandatory prerequisites, because once it is understood that this person meets all the technical requirements, it is necessary to assess whether this person is also aligned with the company's values.
"Ah, 99Hunters, but this is bullshit, I need someone who knows how to do what the position requires", not really! It's not that simple.
Hiring means much more than just finding someone who can do the tasks of the position, it means that you are including a new personality in the team, and hiring someone who doesn't share your company's values and objectives will do more harm than just increase the turnover rate.
So besides bringing assertiveness to the selection process, cultural fit also saves you time, because you won't waste hours evaluating profiles that are not aligned and most likely won't adapt to your organization, so good that it looks like a recruitment done here with 99Hunters.

And how do I apply this to my recruiting?
Some ATS platforms already have ready-made tests that first assess your company culture and then compare it based on the answers given by the candidates, but you can also apply cultural fit with a few questions:

Cultural fit has been the key turn for many companies that want to improve attraction and assertive hiring, because besides ensuring a healthy working life for the candidates, it improves several aspects for the companies. Everybody wins!
And do you know where everybody wins too? In a selection process with 99Hunters, which places up to 7 headhunters per vacancy, ensuring agility and assertiveness in closing positions. If you want to know our solution that brings together the best of both worlds, just click here and talk to one of our consultants:

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