Learn how to make recruiters find your resume on the internet
If you are looking for a company vacancy, you must have accessed traditional job sites like Catho, Vagas.com, Infojobs, among others, correct? In this process, I usually get that feeling of: will someone really read my resume? You apply for different positions and from then on, if no one gets in touch, it's just an expectation to go down the drain, right?
This happens, due to several factors, among them; social, cultural, and entrepreneurial in our country, in short, the HR of a company receives THOUSANDS of resumes per vacancy, making the selection process a great war (or luck in some cases) for you to get an interview.
However, today we are going to show you an alternative to this traditional way of looking for a job and even give you some tips on how to make your resume stand out in the competitive job market. In this article, you will learn what hunting is and how company recruiters reach your resume in an alternative way to conventional job sites.
Find out why you, who are looking for a job, should know what a headhunter is and how your job works.
Headhunters, recruiters, talent attraction analysts, and recruitment and selection analysts, among other variations of positions, are some of the possible terminologies given to people who perform, within a company or recruitment consultancy, the function of attracting and hiring professionals.
Generally, when a company needs to hire, it can do so in 2 ways. One of them is called passive recruiting and you know it well. – That's right, passive recruitment is when a company publishes a vacancy, whether on a job site, on its social networks, or through its own website, and expects people to apply for the open position.
On the other hand, there is active recruitment, also known as hunting or executive search service (the latter, an older terminology), in this case, instead of posting a vacancy and waiting for people to see your ad and apply for the position, it's the recruiting professionals who find your resume and get in touch with you.
How do recruiting professionals find my resume?
The first important point is to know that this works online, that is, it is important for you to be connected to companies through social networks. In this case, the most efficient way is to be on a professional social network, such as LinkedIn. Although already widely used, many people still do not know or believe that there are only managerial or executive-level positions.
However, each year, the platform is reaching new heights, and today it is possible to find vacancies at all levels and segments.
Having a LinkedIn profile, you will see available vacancies in your feed, and above all, you will be able to connect directly with the recruiters of the companies and the vacancies you want.
So, here's our 1st tip, if you don't have a LinkedIn profile yet, it's time, click here and register!
Now, let's get down to business, how do recruiters get to your resume?
When creating your profile, you will realize that it is basically your resume. The cool thing about this is that you can always keep it up to date and whenever you need a quick and professional resume you can generate a PDF in a few minutes.
Well, now imagine how cool it would be, instead of applying for several vacancies, if the recruiter simply sent you a message directly offering an opportunity to talk about a vacancy? It's definitely a much better experience, right?
This is very possible and for that, we will teach you how recruiters find people on LinkedIn.
The LinkedIn platform has a search engine, and it is through this medium that recruiters use keywords to get to your profile. This search engine is called a Boolean search.
Boolean search exists so that you can be more assertive in what you are looking for. In the case of recruiters: find profiles with greater adherence to the vacancy and who meet the requirements or have the characteristics they are looking for.
To arrive at a combination of words that make sense, “operator” words are used, always in English and capitalized, namely: “AND” [in Portuguese: e], “NOT” [in Portuguese: nao], and “OR” [in Portuguese: ou]. If you are interested in knowing how to use it, click here.
Before anything else, first do the following reflection: what are the main technical characteristics of the job I want, and in which do I have experience?
Let's go to the examples on the side of a candidate:
You are a JAVA programmer and looking for jobs in the area.
For Recruitment professionals to find your profile, it is essential that you fill in your LinkedIn with your technical stack in the description of each position, for example:
Position: Java Programmer
Job Description:
Development with Java language, database: SQL and MongoDB, frameworks used: Spring, Junit, and JSF. [You can and should complement your description with projects, methodologies, and results you obtained, objectively and in topics, this will make it easier to read]
Now let's understand from the recruiter's side how he would get to your profile:
In the search field, the recruiter would use the following variables:
(“Programmer” OR “developer”) AND “JAVA” AND (“SQL” OR “MongoDB”) AND (“Spring” OR “Junit” OR “JSF”)
To be clearer, let's read the sentence that the recruiter used above. He said to the search field:
“Return to me profiles that contain the words (programmer OR developer) AND java AND (SQL OR MongoDB) AND (Spring OR Junit OR JSF.)
In this case, the recruiter who was looking for it understood that the position can be written as programmer, developer or other variations, it doesn't matter, as long as it is JAVA, that's why the AND is used. The same logic applies to the rest of the sentence, according to what this recruiter was looking for.
All these variables are taken into account, although the profile is just one, as each person writes their resume in their own way and the recruiter needs to 'embrace' a wider range of possibilities to find profiles that match their search.
How do I make my profile stand out?
The main point here is to make your profile accessible to recruiting professionals. Firstly, you should always keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and put the ideal keywords in your title, in addition to filling in the field of skills and professional experiences correctly, as this is exactly the information that recruiters are looking for. If you leave your description blank, no one will find you.
There are many situations in which professionals, when they become available in the job market, put in the LinkedIn title: “Looking for a new job” “Available in the market” “Graduate student” or do not put anything at all. This makes it difficult for the profile to appear in the search of recruiters, reducing the chances of being found and being called for an eventual interview. No recruiter searches for a profile using the words: “looking for relocation.”
Pay attention to updating your LinkedIn profile, and correctly placing your keywords in the title, remembering that they can be more than one title, and must be separated with the punctuation “|”. For example: Psychologist | Recruiter | Teacher.
Your LinkedIn summary also appears in searches, so don't forget to put the main points of your career, highlighting your professional experiences, skills, and the tools and technologies you master. it's smaller and apart from all those initial numbers, it's cool to change it to a simpler form, putting your name and surname as an example:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoriagchagas/, with this information, it's easier for you being found by a recruiter and thus, facilitates your search for a new position or replacement in the job market.
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