Nowadays, the market is getting very competitive, the recruitment is becoming more difficult and your company is probably already feeling it. We know that sometimes it is hard to recruit the perfect candidate qualified enough to be part of your team, and we think we know why that is happening: everyone is applying the same strategy.
Tradicional Recruitment is dying. Why is that happening?
That’s simple - tradicional recruitment (or inbound recruitment) can no longer meet the needs of the new reality. Besides being a long process, everyone is doing it, so it decreases its efficiency. How can you distinguish yourself if you are doing the same as others? How will candidates notice your company's vacancy among so many others available? How can you expect great results if you are only waiting for candidates to apply for the vacancy that you published in some random job website? Why does your company have to wait for the goodwill of candidates to apply and depend on how long they will take? All these questions are the answer for why tradicional recruitment is not bringing results and why recruiting is becoming hard. Candidates are having too many vacancies to apply for, and yours is not being chosen!
Outbound Recruitment is the solution
If it’s getting hard for candidates to apply for your company’s vacancy, it’s time to apply outbound recruitment in your strategy. Doing active recruitment allows you to give greater visibility to the candidate and the vacancies, allowing you to reach passive candidates who have the skills that your company is looking for, but were unaware of the vacancy or were not looking for it. The active search for candidates, in a strategic and needs-oriented way, is fundamental to overcoming the challenges of the market - and 99Hunters do it so well!
99Hunters is here to help your Company
At 99Hunters we are focused on helping your company achieve its recruitment goals. We are the largest marketplace of headhunters and executive search consultancies in Latin America, and we are expanding internationally. With our 100% online recruitment and selection service, we are able to have a better reach to find the perfect candidate for your company, besides making the process much less bureaucratic.
99Hunters activates 7 headhunters who will work exclusively for your vacancy to find the ideal candidate. Within 8 days, our team will send you a shortlist of the best candidates so that you can interview and choose the one that best suits your company. In addition, you can follow the entire process through our platform with just a few clicks. Now it’s easy to understand how 99Hunters makes the recruitment process in a much faster and efficient way.
And if you are thinking that this is a very expensive service, you are wrong! 99Hunters is one-third cheaper than other consultants and recruiters in the market. Our online recruitment and selection service is a real benefit to companies, as it is able to reduce the time and costs of hiring and increase the efficiency and quality of the recruitment process.
Why 99hunters?
The 99Hunters Community, with over 4.000 experienced recruiters, can help your company to find the best-fit profiles according to your needs. Take note of the advantages:
Boosted Talent Mapping - Have up to 7 recruiters working at once on each job and get the most complete talent mapping.
Experienced Recruiters - Headhunters are segmented by expertise, industry, and country.
Smarter Investment - Lower your hiring costs by 3x or more compared to traditional executive search agencies.
Intuitive Platform - With just a few clicks, evaluate candidates, schedule interviews, and give feedback.
Exclusive CS Manager - Focus only on interviews. Your CS manager will assist you on the rest: tests, JDs, etc.
99Academy - Improve your market knowledge and hunting techniques through our courses.
Interested? We would be happy to talk to you!

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