4 actions to strengthen the bond with employees virtually.

2 min read
May 23, 2022 8:44:23 AM

Last year we had drastic changes in our way of living and, mainly, in the way we relate to other people. There were also changes in the work environment. Perhaps the main one was the adoption of the home office on a scale never seen before. A significant number of companies are operating remotely, and without coffee breaks, happy hours, lunches, and get-togethers, it is increasingly difficult to create and strengthen bonds with employees. With that in mind, we separate 4 simple actions to be put into practice, to strengthen the relationship and connection between the company and employees remotely:

Promote virtual happy hours.

This is an idea that requires low investment, provides relaxation, promotes integration among employees and strengthens the bond between these professionals and the company. It is an opportunity for exchange between people from different areas and different hierarchical levels, which often occurred with people working in person, but rarely occurs with everyone working from their homes. It's certainly not the same feeling as sitting at the bar with the company's staff after a day at work, but it's a great opportunity to make small talk, remember fun stories, exchange series tips, or even discuss who should be next. eliminated on the wall. Some tools to hold these meetings are: Skype, Zoom, Google Meets, Whereby, among others.

Prioritize the well-being of employees.

Many professionals have had a drop in their productivity and are having a hard time staying motivated during social isolation. Precisely for this reason, investing in the well-being of your employees is a great way to improve the productivity of these people, and to show interest in their health. According to a study by the American insurance company, MetLife, companies that invest in the well-being of their employees, have a 12% increase in engagement, 9% in productivity and 10% in talent retention. Online group meditation or yoga classes are a great way to promote well-being. But it's always worth talking to the team to see which activity will have the most people's adherence.
Promote feedback sessions and checkpoints.
The performance evaluation helps people a lot in their professional evolution and has an impact on the company's performance. It is a great tool for integration between leaders and their teams, and for retaining talent, as well as being an excellent opportunity to hear the perspectives and ideas of employees. Remember that feedback sessions generate expectations, whether optimistic or pessimistic. It is essential that it be given in an objective, direct and constructive way, because, in times of uncertainty about the future, the lack of dialogue generates doubts and insecurities, which will certainly impact the professional's performance. To maintain engagement and convey security and confidence to employees, it is important to have periodic checkpoints to discuss and validate projects or activities that are being carried out.

Celebrate special dates.

Celebrating monthly birthdays, company birthdays and professional achievements are great ways to strengthen the bond between employees and bring a sense of belonging to the people who work in an organization. With social distancing, it becomes rarer for connection building to occur naturally, so it is important to create and take advantage of opportunities for these bonds to be strengthened. It is interesting that it is an activity to relax and renew energies, that informal conversations on various topics are stimulated. It can be done during working hours, as a break to relax and recharge can have a very positive impact on the productivity of professionals.

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