6 Pros & Cons of Hiring Remote Employees
With the pandemic, just like phoenix from the ashes, working remotely was reborn and a new reality was established in the market. This increasingly talked about work method has brought great opportunities for professionals, and its demand has risen exponentially thanks to its advantages.
But first… what is remote working?
Remote working is a practice that has been around for some time in the market, often used by freelancers, that allows professionals to work anywhere with internet access. However, with the advent of covid-19 restrictions, the need for quarantine and with the offices closing, this practice was adopted by companies that needed to continue their activities. This "obligation" allowed both companies and professionals to get to know a new working method, which for many became more advantageous, since it brought more freedom in their routines.
So basically, instead of going to the office every day and having a desk assigned, professionals can perform their tasks and projects managed in online platforms, in any place with internet access that is more convenient for their routine, saving time and stress.
But what do companies gain from this and what are the advantages of having a remote team?
Pros & Cons of Hiring Remote Employees
Access to Talents from all over the World
Why shoud you only hire profissionals in your city when you have access to all the talent in the world? The remote work method provides companies the opportunity to attract and hire qualified talent from everywhere on the planet, meaning that your company has the chance to really hire the perfect candidate for the position, and not settle for what is available in the company’s city.
Lower Costs
Having your team working remotely adds some benefits in the cost-saving topic. Think about it: besides not paying for an office space, it also reduces the costs in the equipment maintenance, not having to buy furniture and not paying water and electricity bills.
Boosts Employees Productivity
When your team experiences more freedom in their routine, automatically their productivity increases. Since a remote job may offer flexible work hours, employees have more control in their routine and how they meet their deadlines, having autonomy on a daily basis. In addition, they don't waste their time commuting. All this contributes not only to increased productivity, but also to decreased chance of burn out.
Decreased Team Work
The fact that you hired your employees from around the world can decrease the team interactions and work. A remote team can cause delays in deadlines because it may not be able to get in touch with each other as easily, which can cause frustration in the team’s environment.
Dependence on a Good Internet Connection
Allowing your team to have the ability to work wherever they want can cause your company to lose control of whether they will have access to good tools to work. Remote workers have to have access to a good internet connection or else they cannot work properly or deliver their projects on time.
Just like in the office, where coworkers can chat in the water machine or take a lot of coffee breaks, the daily basis home activities can cause distractions on your employees, like taking care of the family, making lunch, or just play video games. All of this can cause disturbance in the work routine and in the fulfillment of the deadlines.
So is hiring remote employees a good or bad thing for my company?
With all this being said, in conclusion, remote working has its ups and downs, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons. In fact, this working method is not applicable to all business areas, but if your company is in the IT, tech, marketing, recruiting or design areas, having your staff work remotely can be a great opportunity.
We are here to help you!
We know that recruiting for remote positions can be hard, especially if the professional is from another country. 99hunters, with our recruitment know-how, can help your company increase the efficiency of those processes. We have a strong presence in Europe, Latin America and we are expanding to all around the world, therefore we know how to target and recruit talent that can be better, stronger, cheaper and a perfect match for remote working and for your company. Wanna know how? Please contact us, we would be happy to explain it to you!
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